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Condominium Association Administration
The right experienced firm to handle your condominium building and condominium association is critical to the efficiency and quality of building operations as well as the well-being of building residents and their real estate investment.
KPM has many years of experience acting as administrators for condominium associations.  With the interests of the building and unit owners always at the forefront, we strive to simplify and bring efficiency to the condominium association while maintaining and increasing the value of their real estate investment. 


We are experienced managers in helping drive cost out from operations, hence keeping monthly condo fees low.
Our responsibilities include:



- Running association meetings

- Meeting legal and goverment requirements for documentation, registration, etc

- Ensuring rules and regulations are followed by all residents


Work and Repairs

- Planning, managing and supervising all work related to the building



- Be forward-thinking in foreseeiing and planning longer term required repairs and upgrades



- Collection of and ensuring timely payments of operations and contingency fees from co-owners

- Corresponding with unit owners around any and all issues

- Preparing annual budgets , operations expenses and contingency allocations

As always KPM provides 24 x 7 service to all customers big or small.
Call us today to discover how we can help manage your building.

